Dr Peter Tauber at WW - Work Culture Festival, Credit: Leading Minds

Peter Tauber
Publicist, Lobbyist, Historian

Dr Peter Tauber, who was born in 1974, was the Secretary General of the CDU for more than four years. During this time he was Angela Merkel’s right-hand man in the party.

Throughout the euro crisis, the bailout of Greece, the energy transition, the 2015 refugee crisis and much more, his job was to keep the party on course and organise a successful federal election campaign in 2017. Subsequently, a life-threatening illness threw him completely off course. After three more intense years as the Parliamentary State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence, Tauber, who has a doctorate in history and is a passionate Hessian, retired from politics. Today he works as a managing director, consultant, lecturer and author, and retains a critical perspective on politics and society.

Photo: © Leading Minds

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